Saturday, 7 June 2014

And another Halo Magnum finished, this one will go on a bookend which is still under construction

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Birthday present time!!!

Fitting for a bolt pistol comes:

Dark Angel power sword, made from EVA foam with a wodden core and now painted with acrylic paint

Thursday, 10 April 2014

And here is the M41A Pulse rifle. Ten millimeter with over-and-under thirty millimeter pump action grenade launcher

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Some updates:

Colonial marine armour was now completely disassembled and painted:

Now putting it back together and finishing the helmet.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Finished my MA5C Individual Combat Weapon System

Instead of trying to make it out of one block of foam, I tried seperate pieces here:


 Adding and carving more details:

After priming with woodglue already started with a black layer and sticked together with some toothpicks:

After it is completly painted I will post eom pictures of course as well.

Made also a small Bolt Pistol as a Birthday present for a 12 year old (so child size :-P)

I am also working on a Colonial Marine armor from the movie Aliens.

The templates are pepakure foam templates and the armor is made from EVA foam.

Started with the shin/leg guards:

Then came the torso on my new tape dummy:

Some shoulders:

And all the missing rest:

I am still working on changing the beltbuckle size and the belt in some areas and also replacing the black belt straps with olive ones as well (waiting for my orders to arrive).

 The helmet is also in the making, still had an old M1 US helm lying around. :-P

Of course I am planning on making myself a nice pulse rifle for this costume as well.